Un día en el Mediterráneo con pescadores locales de ValenciaLa experiencia de pescaturismo en Valencia te permitirá seguir en las embarcaciones de acompañamiento (veleros completamente equipados para la navegación) a los pesqueros y vivir una jornada de pesca artesanal surcando los tradicionales caladeros de la Costa Valenciana
A day in the Mediterranean with local fishermen from ValenciaThe fishing tourism experience in Valencia will allow you to continue on the boats (sailboats fully equipped for navigation) to fish and live a day of artisanal fishing through the traditional fishing grounds of the Valencian Coast
Especies marinas y medio ambienteAprenderás a valorar nuestro medio ambiente marino y a cuidar y respetar el mar como se lo merece. Por ello, nuestros pescadores y guías te enseñarán a reconocer las diferentes especies marinas del Mediterráneo, incluso la diversidad de aves que viven en nuestros litorales. Además, conocerás de primera mano la labor de cuidado medio ambiental que hacen nuestros pescadores todos los días, ya que recogen a diario con sus redes grandes cantidades de residuos marinos.
Marine species and the environmentYou will learn to value our marine environment and to care for and respect the sea as it deserves. Therefore, our fishermen and guides will teach you to recognize the different marine species of the Mediterranean, including the diversity of birds that live on our shores. In addition, you will know first hand the work of environmental care that our fishermen do every day, since they collect daily with their networks large amounts of marine waste.
Artes de PescaConocerás de primera mano, las artes empleadas por los pescadores. Las capturas del día, podrás hacer fotografías y videos. Y lo más importante, sin ensuciarte, seguro en la embarcación de apoyo, al lado de la del pescador, con un reconfortante almuerzo a bordo y asistido en todo momento por el guía y el capitán.
Fishing artsYou will know first hand, the arts used by fishermen. The catch of the day, you can take pictures and videos. And most importantly, without getting dirty, safe in the support boat, next to the fisherman, with a comforting lunch on board and assisted at all times by the guide and the captain.
Una jornada de 9 a 13 horas llena de emoción
Vamos a vivir una experiencia única y por eso te vamos a indicar el planning que tenemos previsto.
09:00. Recepción de los aventureros a bordo por parte del guía y el capitán, explicación de las medias de seguridad y nos hacemos al mar. 10:00. Llegamos al punto establecido con la embarcación pesquera que lleva faenando desde la madrugada y nos ponemos al lado para ver su desarrollo mientras el guía y el pescador nos explican las capturas, artes empleadas y demás cosas de interés. 11:00. Iniciamos el regreso a puerto navegando si el tiempo y las condiciones lo permiten a vela y si no a motor. Mientras, se servirá un almuerzo a bordo consistente en jamón y queso, pan y refrescos, agua, cerveza o una copa de vino por persona. 12:00. Hora prevista de llegada a puerto y desembarque. Y esperaremos a que llegue el barco pesquero para ver todas las capturas como las desembarcan, su criba y clasificación. La guía nos explicará la Marina de Valencia y podremos disfrutar de su gastronomía en sus distinguidos restaurantes si nos apetece. SALIDAS de lunes a viernes siempre bajo reserva. Puedes venir solo o acompañado y formaremos el grupo mínimo de 9 personas. Actividad apta para todas las edades. La actividad está sujeta a las condiciones meteorológicas. |
A day from 9 to 13 hours full of emotion
We are going to live a unique experience and that is why we are going to indicate the planning that we have planned.
09:00 Reception of the adventurers on board by the guide and the captain, explanation of security measures and we go to sea.
10:00. We arrived at the established point with the fishing vessel that has been fishing since dawn and we stand beside it to see its development while the guide and the fisherman explain the catches, gear used and other things of interest.
11:00 We initiate the return to port sailing if the weather and conditions allow it to sail and if not to motor. Meanwhile, lunch will be served on board consisting of ham and cheese, bread and soft drinks, water, beer or a glass of wine per person.
12:00 Estimated time of arrival at port and disembarkation. And we'll wait for the fishing boat to arrive to see all the catches as they land, their screening and sorting. The guide will explain the Marina of Valencia and we can enjoy its cuisine in its distinguished restaurants if we feel like it.
DEPARTURES from Monday to Friday always under reservation. You can come alone or accompanied and we will form the minimum group of 9 people. Activity suitable for all ages.
The activity is subject to weather conditions.
09:00 Reception of the adventurers on board by the guide and the captain, explanation of security measures and we go to sea.
10:00. We arrived at the established point with the fishing vessel that has been fishing since dawn and we stand beside it to see its development while the guide and the fisherman explain the catches, gear used and other things of interest.
11:00 We initiate the return to port sailing if the weather and conditions allow it to sail and if not to motor. Meanwhile, lunch will be served on board consisting of ham and cheese, bread and soft drinks, water, beer or a glass of wine per person.
12:00 Estimated time of arrival at port and disembarkation. And we'll wait for the fishing boat to arrive to see all the catches as they land, their screening and sorting. The guide will explain the Marina of Valencia and we can enjoy its cuisine in its distinguished restaurants if we feel like it.
DEPARTURES from Monday to Friday always under reservation. You can come alone or accompanied and we will form the minimum group of 9 people. Activity suitable for all ages.
The activity is subject to weather conditions.
Todo listo para tu disfrute
Everything ready for your enjoyment
Conocerás de primera mano todoTe explicarán y veras con tus propios ojos, las diferencias entre las distintas artes, especies y formas de captura.
You will know first hand everythingThey will explain and you will see with your own eyes, the differences between the different arts, species and forms of capture.
Navegarás a vela y a motorSi el tiempo lo permite, tendrás la oportunidad de navegar tanto a vela como a motor.
You will sail and motorIf weather permits, you will have the opportunity to sail both sailing and motor.
Capitán y guía a bordoSolo tendrás que preocuparte de relajarte y disfrutar de la experiencia.
Captain and guide on boardYou just have to worry about relaxing and enjoying the experience.
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Punto de encuentro15 minutos antes de la salida, nos veremos en el punto de encuentro que está en la Marina Sur, pasando la Lonja de Pescadores y el restaurante Duna Puerto, justo enfrente del edificio Veles i Vents. Recuerde que no es nuestro amarre habitual, es un amarre de cortesía y que venimos de la marina norte, por lo que si llega antes, por favor, espere, somos puntuales y estaremos en el lugar indicado. Llevamos unas banderas azules y nos identificaran rápidamente.
Meeting point15 minutes before departure, we will see you at the meeting point that is in the Marina Sur, passing the Fish Market and the Duna Puerto restaurant, just opposite the Veles i Vents building. Remember that it is not our usual mooring, it is a courtesy mooring and that we come from the north marina, so if you arrive earlier, please wait, we are punctual and we will be in the right place. We carry blue flags and identify us quickly.
95 €
Envíanos un correo electrónico para tu reserva, y te indicaremos exactamente las fechas en que salimos a ver a las embarcaciones pesqueras. Dependemos de las condiciones del mar. Salidas programadas de lunes a viernes siempre bajo reserva. Llámanos o manda un WhatsApp si lo deseas al +34 610211998 o un correo electrónico a [email protected]
Send us an email for your reservation, and we will indicate exactly the dates on which we went to see the fishing vessels. We depend on the conditions of the sea. Departures scheduled from Monday to Friday always under reservation. Call us or send a WhatsApp if you wish to +34 610211998 or an email to [email protected]